Saturday 29 October 2016

The year lies dying in this evening light

In late October and early November 1906, Edith wrote relatively little about nature but more than made up for it with poetry. One of the poems, translated from German started ...

The year lies dying in this evening light ....

In the 21st Century we defy the seasons and the dark with bright lights and night life.  On the 4th of November, I cut through the Symphony Hall and over the bridge that crosses the New Mainline canal.

New Mainline Canal and Brindley Place - 4 November 2015
In the photo above, you can see part of Brindley Place, named for James Brindley, the canal pioneer.

New Mainline Canal looking towards Broad Street.
From the bridge, I could see down the canal towards Broad Street. If I went that way, I would find myself at Gas Street Basin, which I had visited previously. Wanting to see something new, I headed in the other direction.
The Malt House pub.
There was a bit of a bite in the air and the Malt House pub on the opposite side looked warm and inviting. I hovered indecisively unsure whether to continue my walk or cross the narrow arched bridges to the warmth of the pub.  Then I heard the jazz.  Over the bridges it was.

Turning into the Oozelles Stret Loop.
As I was crossing, I heard the unmistakable sound of a narrow boat and watched while its crew skilfully steered it round the junction between the New Mainline and the older Birmingham and Fazeley canal before disappearing into the Oozelles Street Loop.

Open Fire in the Malt House pub.
Then into the pub for an enjoyable meal of fish and chips in front of a traditional fire and the sound of live jazz music.

Back to Brindley Place.
After leaving the pub, I walked back along the canal and found another boat - this time moored at the canal side.

Central Square Fountains
I crossed the canal again, and made my way inland to Central Square in Brindley Place.  As I photographed the fountains, I noticed some trees with yellow leaves.

Trees - with "Autumn Fire"
At the end of October, Edith quoted William Allingham:

"Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods,
and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt,"

Fountains and Autumn leaves - not quite ready to fall and melt.


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